Capital Markets
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The ProShares Capital Markets helps investors understand and navigate ETF trading. The team provides dedicated coverage to support investors’ ability to tap into greater liquidity and achieve best execution by providing pre-trade guidance, secondary market support and a range of education.

Pre-trade guidance
Understand execution unique to each fund with our proprietary analytics tool—and identify hidden sources of market depth through real-time indications.
Secondary market support
Facilitate trade execution through our relationships with block desks, market makers and liquidity providers.
Educational support
Learn about trading ETFs and gain insight into market structures and other topics that influence ETF liquidity.
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While many variables influence it, the true liquidity of an ETF becomes apparent in the creation/redemption process—the mechanism enabling even small or thinly-traded ETFs to trade at or near intraday value.
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Judging an ETF’s market quality and execution based solely upon its bid/ask spread is common, but inaccurate. An analysis of trade and execution data provides a more complete picture.
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ETFs combine many characteristics of mutual funds with the flexibility of trading individual stocks, creating a cost-effective investment vehicle. It’s important, however, to understand the best practices for trading ETFs.
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While many investors are familiar with trading equity ETFs, there are crucial differences to understand when trading fixed income ETFs. Four concepts will help you sharpen your investment approach.
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Before you invest in ETFs, it's helpful to understand how they work. This piece provides useful information on how ETFs are created, how they trade, and where ETF liquidity comes from.
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